Loose Stools

Possible causes:
• Antibiotics
• Internal parasites, especially pinworms or giardi,   which causes a strong odor
• An excess of fruits or vegetables
• A new food or more of a certain food than accustomed to
• Stress, or a frightening situation
Recommended treatment:
Antibiotics: Give your rat a probiotic such as Benebac or yogurt with live active cultures.

Internal parasites: Have your vet examine fecal matter to determine if parasites are present.

Excess of fruits or vegetables: Only offer up to 20% of your rats' daily diet in fresh produce.

New foods: Start will a smaller amount to acclimate.

Stress: Avoid putting your rats in frightening situations.
Also, be sure to keep your rat well hydrated until the stools return to normal. Children's Pedialyte is a good choice.

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