Vaginal Bleeding

This can be a sign of many different things. A uterine tumor, genital mycoplasmosis, a miscarriage if she is pregnant, or the beginning of labor. If you can eliminate a miscarriage or labor from this list, then it's best to treat for an infection. If, after treating with antibiotics, she is still having vaginal bleeding, then she should be spayed.
Prompt veterinary diagnosis and treatment is essential.
Recommended treatment:
A combination of Enrofloxacin (Baytril) and Doxycycline or Azithromycin (Zithromax) and Doxycycline.
Note: Baytril and Doxycycline are not recommended for rats under 4 months of age or for pregnant and nursing does.

• Baytril - 5mg/kg to 10mg/kg twice per day
• Zithromax - 8.8mg/kg to 17.6mg/kg twice per day
• Doxycycline - 2.5mg/kg to 5mg/kg twice per day
Rats under 4 months of age:
• Zithromax - 8.8mg/kg to 17.6mg/kg twice per day
• Tylosin (Tylan) - 10mg/kg twice per day
(Do not treat in the drinking water)
Pregnant and nursing does:
• Zithromax - 8.8mg/kg to 17.6mg/kg twice per day
• Tylosin (Tylan) - 10mg/kg twice per day
(Do not treat in the drinking water)

More Information on Medications and Dosages at:
The Layman's Medication Guideline For Use In Rats

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