Other Breeders
If you are a breeder and would like me to add your link to this page, please
send me an email with your web address so that I can visit your site. Thanks!
If you are looking for a breeder from
whom to obtain fancy rats, please take the time to question the breeders in your area and to observe the conditions of their rats and rattery. I would suggest
visiting several of the breeders in your area before deciding from whom to adopt.
Unfortunately, all rats have myco.
Therefore, you will want to choose from lines that have a very high resistance to the bacteria. Listen for ANY sneezing and if any is heard, inquire as to who
is sneezing and why. Young rats with myco may indicate a problem with that particular breeders' lines resistance. Older rats who have started to fail may
warrant overlooking. You'll need to decide. Also pay special attention to the temperaments of their rats. Any skittishness? Any males with hormonal problems?
These are things that you'll want to avoid as well. And then inquire as to the lines' problems with tumors, bumblefoot, and longevity.
If you take the time to really screen
the breeders, you'll have a much better chance of ending up with healthy, friendly rats.

Blue Velvet Rattery
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Gabriel Edson
Specializing in blue rex dumbos. We
breed healthy, beautiful adults to get healthy, beautiful babies! All of our babies are handled from birth, are pedigreed to at least three generations, and
carry a lifetime genetic information agreement.
website: http://www.feycat.net/blue-velvet/rattery.html

Worcester, MA
Olga Marat
Established hobby breeder from Massachusetts. We breed rats of many different varieties, with an emphasis on beautiful and friendly family pets.
website: http://members.tripod.com/krisik0/index.htm
email: krisolya@yahoo.com

Making Mischief Rattery
Virginia, Near Washington D.C.
Lila Jones
email: d_spice_of_life@hotmail.com or d_spice_of_life@mail.com

Ziggabella Rattery
VA/MD/DC area
Renee Snyder
We breed fancy rats of exceptional
temperament and health in various colours, for pet and show. Right now we are working with blues and Siamese, and possibly blue point Siamese in the future. We
provide each customer with a printed pedigree, as well as a care booklet for new owners.
website: http://www.ziggabella.com

Southern NH
website: http://www.packratsrattery.com

A great breeding resource. Coat Color
Photos. An awesome Genetics Engine that will calculate the color of offspring by entering the parents colors.

Silver Fuzz Rattery
Dorr, Michigan, Near Grand
Dayna Delnay
Breeding rats in a variety of colors,
markings, and fur types.
website: http://www.geocities.com/neoslink/SFRattery.html

Jenn Reed
Terra Cotta, Ontario, Canada
website: http://www.netcom.ca/~jennreed/ratsrus.html
email: jennreed@attcanada.ca or ratz4u_jrsrodents@hotmail.ca

Rogues Rattery
Raising exotic pet rats to be your fun,
loving companions. Specializing in blues, pearl merles, odd eyes, and heavily marked dumbos. We breed for temperament and health first!
website: http://www.RoguesRattery.com
email: LadyRogue@RoguesRattery.com

Bella Karm Ratties
Bloomington, Indiana
Breeding for healthy, sweet, lovely
ratties. An emphasis on holistic health care. Specializing in seal point siamese dumbos and blues in self and marked.
website: http://www.angelfire.com/ak5/bellakarmratties/
email: BkarmH@aol.com

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